Aquatic Center in New Jersey
If you visit any gym with a aquatic center in New Jersey, you'll find plenty of pool noodles, kickboards, and foam dumbbells available for use. If you use these pieces for long enough, you'll notice that they simply don't do as much as the weights and machines available in land-based training. If you're looking for a water-based fitness option that isn't a sport like swimming or water polo, you won't find much that's as intensive as a typical gym. That's a disservice to everyone who cannot engage in conventional exercise, and at Aquatic Performance Training, we want to remedy that.
A New Kind of Aquatics Center in New Jersey
Our water-based exercises, which is aqua cycling classes, aquatic resistance training, water aerobic classes, and more are every bit as intensive as rigorous strength, endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular training on land. Instead of noodles and dumbbells, we use special treadmills, bikes, and drag resistance equipment designed for underwater use. These machines engage your body as much as they would out of the water. At the same time, these routines are less stressful on the body, allowing you to challenge yourself without endangering yourself.
If you're recovering from an injury or surgery but want to stay in top shape, these classes are perfect for you. If you have a condition that makes regular exercise dangerous or difficult, you can get the same benefits here. If you want to lose weight faster and burn more calories, The benefits of submerged exercise in the New Jersey Aquatic Center will work in your favor. You don't need to have a specific medical condition to train with us; we welcome everyone who's passionate and driven towards their fitness goals.
Health Benefits of Water-Based Exercise in New Jersey Aquatics
- Water stimulates increased circulation, which removes lactic acid from muscles faster and decreases muscle pain after sessions.
- Water resistance pushes against your every move, challenging you more than air would in every exercise.
- Support from the water allows you to hold positions much longer, aiding your flexibility and endurance.
- Water pressure also helps gradually drain the lymphatic system, which decreases cellulite and leans out your body.
- Muscle trauma is less likely in underwater exercise, which helps you build leaner muscles and a more toned appearance. This is especially helpful if you want to get stronger and more fit without getting any bigger.
- The required effort simply to move underwater burns more calories on average than a land-based session.
- Movements are more carefully controlled by water resistance. If you have an injury or recovering surgery incision, you're unlikely to hurt yourself suddenly. If you have no conditions, you're less likely to strain, tear, or overexert a muscle.
- Every movement costs a bit more effort underwater. This means you're working out your entire body in our sessions.
- Your opposing muscle groups, such as quads and hamstrings, will get equal exercise.
Come Train with Us Effectively in Our New Jersey Aquatic Center
Our New Jersey aquatics center offers a unique opportunity. Whether you cannot or simply do not want to work out conventionally, you can still get all the same benefits of those intensive workouts with us. To get in contact, please call or email us at 609-731-7057 or aptperform@gmail.com.
Lose Weight And Get Lean With Impact Free Aquatic Exercise Training At Our Leading Aquatics Fitness Center
Register now and discover how you can burn up to 800 calories in one session, lose weight and get lean while improving your injuries, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility without putting unnecessary pressure on your joints.
Our Scientifically Proven Method Can Help You Reach Peak Fitness Without Putting Unnecessary Pressure On Your Joints
Aquatic Performance Training is on a mission to revolutionize aquatic rehabilitation, exercise physiology, and performance training by educating clients and health professionals on the correct use and methods of aquatic training.