Physical Therapy for ACL Tear

Recover from ACL Tears with Expert Physical Therapy

At Aquatic Performance Training, we understand the critical role specialized aquatic therapy plays in the rehabilitation process for individuals recovering from an ACL tear. While many facilities offer pool access, few match the level of care and expertise we provide through our customized physical therapy programs for ACL injuries. Our state-of-the-art aquatic treadmills, bikes, and resistance equipment create a safe, low-impact environment that promotes joint mobility, reduces inflammation, and aids in rebuilding strength without placing undue stress on the knee.

Unlike other aquatic therapy centers in NJ, our approach integrates the therapeutic benefits of water-based exercises with a structured care plan designed specifically for ACL rehabilitation. Our specialized programs focus on gradual resistance exercises, leveraging the buoyancy of water to minimize joint strain while improving muscle strength, stability, and flexibility—key elements in the recovery process following an ACL tear.

We offer a range of therapy sessions throughout the week at both our Hamilton and New Jersey aquatics centers. To learn more or to schedule a session, please reach out to us at 609-731-7057 or via email at


Physical Therapy Available in NJ to Help with Your ACL Tear

Our founder at Aquatic Performance Training (leading aquatic center in Monroe), John Dohanic, is intimately familiar with the benefits of water therapy for those who cannot exercise in typical gyms. He dealt with multiple shoulder surgeries as a teenager, which made it impossible for him to play sports or work out the same way others his age did. He turned to water-based exercise as an alternative way to stay fit.

He found that the options at the time were great for basic exercises and rehabilitation, but the field was sorely lacking an intensive fitness option that offers the same challenge to those of us with hindering physical conditions. There wasnt a fitness center that allowed someone like John to receive the same training in strength, endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular health as someone without an injury.

Thats why he founded Aquatic Performance Training. We offer intensive but safe water-based NJ physical therapy exercise classes that challenge your body to constantly surpass itself. You can continue building and toning your muscles without having to stop because of an injury or surgery, and you can do so under the guidance of professionals trained in exercise science and rehabilitation. We offer these classes anywhere from 20-30 times a week, and we offer both group and personal training. Whether youre avoiding gradual strain or working with a very particular injury that extreme care and constant supervision, youll find we can help.

How Can Physical Therapy Help ACL Injury?

Your body is treated very differently while submerged than on land. While on land, gravity is constantly working against your joints, straining them throughout any exercise you attempt. That strain impedes a quick recovery. But while submerged, your body is supported completely. It negates most of gravitys effect on your joints, so previously unsafe exercises become perfectly healthy for you. High-impact exercise becomes impact-free.

You can also avoid losing flexibility with this aquatic physical therapy in NJ. Water holds you in place as much as it can by offering resistance in every direction. This means that, while it requires more effort to move in any way underwater, it requires much less effort to remain in any given position.
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You can hold stretches and poses for far longer underwater, allowing you to comfortably train your joints and limbs to greater flexibility without any risk of overexertion.

NJ water therapy also helps promote more vigorous blood circulation throughout your body as you exercise. In other words, every muscle youre training or rehabilitating gets more oxygen to keep pushing; at the same time, that improved circulation and water pressure help remove lactic acid from your muscles faster. Lactic acid is the compound largely responsible for soreness after a workout, so having less buildup of it means youll be much less sore after each 45-minute session with us.
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We Want to Help: Multiple Aqua Therapy Locations Including South Jersey

We know how much good we can do by bringing real, competent aqua therapy to South Jersey. Yes, you can exercise safely at gyms with pools, but these dont carry our specialized treadmills, bikes, and resistance equipment. Other NJ water therapy centers wont offer you a water aerobic classes with athletes workout mixed with the safety of rehabilitative therapy.

We also have classes available throughout the week at our Hamilton aquatics and New Jersey aquatics facilities, so if youre interested, please contact us at 609-731-7057 or


Lose Weight And Get Lean With Impact Free Aquatic Exercise Training At Our Leading Aquatics Fitness Center

Register now and discover how you can burn up to 800 calories in one session, lose weight and get lean while improving your injuries, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility without putting unnecessary pressure on your joints.

Our Scientifically Proven Method Can Help You Reach Peak Fitness Without Putting Unnecessary Pressure On Your Joints

Aquatic Performance Training is on a mission to revolutionize aquatic rehabilitation, exercise physiology, and performance training by educating clients and health professionals on the correct use and methods of aquatic training.

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